Hey all,
So we've decided to get 250 mailers made (designed by Matt Larson-Katie Thompson's fiance) and will be sending out to churches we have been a part of or family and friends that we know. We are hoping to launch a web campaign within the next three weeks targeting people that we know are more apt to click on things rather than taking something to the post office.
Goal. $70,000.00
Why. Approx 1 year of rent plus estimated costs to get city codes for assembly permits.
Why approx. We don't have a building yet and can't get one until we have finances. So once some of the finances come in we can start looking and get more specific.
How can I help now:
We are going to be stuffing and addressing 250 envelopes Wednesday night at 7:00 at our house. Please come and hang out and help.
How can I offer to help soon:
We will be making a video, putting stuff online, getting the word out. That'll be the next push.
More info to come.
Love you all,
Abbi Rodes
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