Tuesday, April 17, 2012

CU FUNdraising Update

What are you doing
Thursday April 26th at 8:30pm?

If you're not already at The Dude Ranch for small group then come over for some coffee, some popped corn and some awesome addressing/stamping/taping fun with your favorite people!

As of now we have 1/4 of the mailers done ... the more the merrier ... and the faster we're done with this phase of the building campaign!

***There will be pre stamped and un stamped mailers in the back of church every Sunday. Take the STAMPED ones if you are going to mail them. Take the UNSTAMPED ones if you want to give to people in person!

Creative FUNdraising Meeting:

Sunday April 29th from 12:30-1:30pm right after church?

* the kids will be in the main cinema area with a sitter
* bring your own lunch if you don't want to wait till 1:30

What want to organize and share info for the next two sections of fundraising.
How can we apply Kingdom Principles into our fundraising ideas?

(A) Web Fundraising.

* Establish teams for: media, how to get the word out, deadlines etc.

(B) Church Body Involvement. (leadership will delegate people to be in charge of different projects)
* How can we actually go about fundraising from our church: praying, people in charge of different aspects etc.
* Coming up with creative ways to fund raise within our church: garage sales, car washes, bake sales, flea market etc.

Great things ahead.
Jump on the train before it leaves the station. It's going to be a fun ride and the destination is gonna blow your mind :)

Monday, April 9, 2012


Here's the pamphlet we are sending out!!! Good job Matt Larson!!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

What the game plan is.

Hey all,
So we've decided to get 250 mailers made (designed by Matt Larson-Katie Thompson's fiance) and will be sending out to churches we have been a part of or family and friends that we know.  We are hoping to launch a web campaign within the next three weeks targeting people that we know are more apt to click on things rather than taking something to the post office.

Goal. $70,000.00
Why. Approx 1 year of rent plus estimated costs to get city codes for assembly permits.
Why approx.  We don't have a building yet and can't get one until we have finances.  So once some of the finances come in we can start looking and get more specific.

How can I help now:
We are going to be stuffing and addressing 250 envelopes Wednesday night at 7:00 at our house.  Please come and hang out and help.

How can I offer to help soon:
We will be making a video, putting stuff online, getting the word out.  That'll be the next push.

More info to come.
Love you all,
Abbi Rodes